Brian Wert Home Inspection Services

With the information that you receive from your Brian Wert Home Inspection, you can purchase a property with confidence and peace of mind, knowing that you have the most reliable information about the condition of the home.
Before listing your home, discover any areas of potential concern. Disclose the facts to potential buyers and sell your property with peace of mind, knowing that you won’t be surprised with problems during the transaction.
Inspection Services
Here is a general description of what we inspect: Visible roof covering materials, (shingles), flashings at roof penetrations and valleys, skylights, chimneys, gutters and downspouts. We will assess the condition of these elements for proper function; looking for evidence of leakage or worn, damage, or missing components.
Exterior Elements
Here is a general description of what we look for in an inspection: Visible siding and trim, windows, doors, garages, porches, decks, stairs, and railings. We will assess the condition of these elements for proper construction and function; looking for evidence of damage, missing components or other conditions that might lead to infiltration, or functional concerns.
Interior Elements
Here is a general description of what we inspect: Visible areas of all walls, ceilings, stairways, representative windows and doors, and attic areas. We will look for signs of leakage and damage, sagging or other significant structural concerns. Representative windows will be operated to determine function. In accessible attics, besides assessing structural components, we will note insulation and ventilation conditions.
Foundation and Substructure
Here is a general description of what we inspect: Visible load-bearing framing components, foundation walls, slabs, piers and columns and other major structural components found in basements and crawlspaces. Visible and readily accessible structural components will be assessed for function and presence of damage, decay or other defects. We will look for water penetration conditions at below grade areas.
Here is a general description of what we inspect: Plumbing fixtures, built-in appliances such as the dishwasher, cooktop, ovens, ventilators and built in cabinetry. We will check plumbing fixtures looking for water pressure or drainage issues and visible signs of leaks. We will check basic operational modes of the appliances and ventilators and look at cabinets and countertops for significant deficiencies.
Heating System
Here is a general description of what we inspect: Visible components of the central heating system (boilers, furnaces, heat pumps and electric baseboards) including associated fuel-supply piping, venting, and the heat distribution system (ductwork or piping). Readily visible components of fireplaces and stoves are also inspected. We will operate the heating system, subject to seasonal conditions, to assess for proper burner operation and visible fuel supply piping or venting issues. The condition of visible portions of the distribution system and presence of a functional heat supply to each area of the house will be noted. We will assess the physical condition of readily accessible fireplace components including exteriors of chimneys and vents.
Cooling System
Here is a general description of what we inspect: Visible components of the central air conditioning or heat pump system including condensers and air handlers, and the distribution system ductwork. We will operate the system, subject to seasonal conditions, to assess function and check the condition of the accessible indoor and outdoor components. The distribution system will be assessed for functional cooling to each area of the house.
Here is a general description of what we inspect: Visible service panels components and household wiring and devices. We will assess the condition of readily accessible panel components, note the presence of GFCIs, AFCIs and smoke alarms and check the operation of representative outlets, switches, fixtures and other devices.
Here is a general description of what we inspect: Visible water supply piping, distribution piping, waste system piping, water heaters and plumbing fixtures. The inspection includes assessment of the physical condition of piping, kitchen and bathroom fixtures such as tubs, showers, toilets, and the operation of the fixtures to assess for the presence of functional flow and drainage and leakage. The physical condition and operation of water heating components will also be assessed.
Radon Screening
A radon screening consists of a short-term test to determine the possible presence of elevated levels of radon gas pursuant to local regulations or practices for real estate transactions. Radon is an odorless, colorless and radioactive byproduct of natural soil decay known to increase the risk of cancer in those exposed. It is recommended that all homes be tested for radon and radon mitigation methods be employed when elevated levels are found.
The EPA, Surgeon General & National Cancer Institute, among others, recommend that all home buyers test for radon. If high levels of radon are present mitigation is possible. Click below for more information.
Click here for more information on the Environmental Protection Agency (
Commercial / Multiple Dwelling Property
Inspection services are available for multiple dwellings and commercial inspection properties. These inspections include inspection of the visible and readily accessible areas of the roof, structure, mechanical and electric components of the public areas of a building, as well as all or representative individual dwelling or office/store units, as requested by the client.
Brian Wert Home Inspections are provided throughout the St. Croix River Valley Area including St. Croix, Pierce counties, in Wisconsin and Washington county in Minnesota.